Bullying Prevention Week

Bullying Prevention Week

Bullying Prevention Day - wear blue to show your commitment to being an upstander!

Spread Kindness, Not Virus. ASB students will be distributing positive quotes & uplifting words to all students on campus.
Sit with a Friend Day. Play board games during lunch (near the student store).

Activities that will be happening all week:

Appreciation Station: students can send a note (for free!) to someone on campus that they appreciate. The station will be near the student store during lunch.

Teach Kindness Lessons (www.weteachkindness.org)

Coloring Pages. Posted to the MOI Student Activities Google Classroom (code is: ypzuu56). Completed pages will be posted on the ASB Facebook & Instagram pages.

Anti-Bullying Art Contest. MOI Support Services is sponsoring a poster contest. The theme of the poster is “One Kind Word”. Please have students turn their posters in to the Counselors’ Office (Room 18) by Wednesday, October 13th. Prizes will be awarded for the top 3 posters.

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