Special Education » Community Advisory Committee for Special Education (CAC)

Community Advisory Committee for Special Education (CAC)

The CAC, mandated by California law, serves to continue ongoing collaboration between educators and parents and to advise the District on the development of its Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) and Annual Services and Budget Plans. Monthly informational meetings and trainings are held that are open to parents and staff from the district. These meetings are provided as a forum for the mutual exchange of information by all those attending. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The CAC helps community members and parents to:
  • understand the procedures of the district
  • know their procedural safeguards
  • become aware of options available
  • learn about programs
  • advise the district
  • meet with staff
  • collaborate with other parents
  • make a difference in the lives of children!
It is important for parents to be involved in the special education programming of their children. This is a responsibility of each parent. Parents should be informed of the options available, programs, and rights in special education to assist you in making decisions that your child will have a successful education. The CAC meetings and trainings provide parents the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about special education programs and services. It also provides parents the opportunity to share their experiences with other parents. Plan to attend a training or meeting and become a member of the Community Advisory Committee.