Transportation » Board Policies

Board Policies

Board Policy: 5131.1
Bus transportation is a privilege extended only to students who display good conduct while preparing to ride, riding or leaving the bus. Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the driver shall be sufficient reason for a student to be denied transportation. The Superintendent or designee shall establish regulations related to bus conduct, bus driver
authority, and the suspension of riding privileges. The Board of Education shall make these rules available to parents/ guardians and students. (Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 14103)
(cf. 3540 Transportation)
(cf. 3541.2 Transportation for Students with Disabilities)
(cf. 3543 Transportation Safety and Emergencies)
Legal Reference:
35160 Authority of Board of Education
38020 Transportation
44808 Duty to supervise conduct of students
48918 Expulsion procedures
49061 Definition of student records
49073-49079 Privacy of student records
6253-6253.4 Public records open to inspection
6254 Records exempt from disclosu
14103 Authority of the driver
1232g Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Bus Conduct - AR 5131.1
Because school bus passengers' behavior can directly affect their safety and the safety of others, the following regulations apply at all times when students are riding a school bus, including school activity trips.

1. Riders shall follow the instructions and directions of the bus driver at all times. (cf. 3542 - School Bus Drivers)

2. Riders should arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to departure time and stand in a safe place to wait quietly for the bus.

3. Riders shall enter the bus in an orderly manner and go directly to their seats.

4. Riders shall remain seated while the bus is in motion and shall not obstruct the aisle with their legs, feet, or other objects.  When reaching their destination, riders shall remain seated until the bus stops and only then enter the aisle and go directly to the exit.

5. Riders should be courteous to the driver and to fellow passengers.

6. Because serious safety hazards can result from noise or behavior that distracts the driver, loud talking, laughing, yelling, singing, whistling, scuffling, throwing objects, smoking, eating, drinking, standing and changing seats are prohibited actions which may lead to suspension of riding privileges.

7. No part of the body, hands, arms or head should be put out of the window. Nothing should be thrown from the bus.

8. Riders shall help keep the bus and the area around the bus stop clean. Riders shall not damage or deface the bus or tamper with bus equipment.

9. No animals shall be allowed on the bus without express permission from the principal or designee.

10. Riders should be alert for traffic when leaving the bus.

Riders who fail to comply with the above rules shall be reported to the school principal, who shall determine the severity of the misconduct and take action accordingly. In all instances of misconduct, the rider and his/her parent/guardian shall be given notice and warning. In the case of a severe violation or repeated offenses, the rider may be denied transportation for a period of time determined by the principal, up to the remainder of the school year. Bus drivers shall not deny transportation except as directed by the principal.