Programs » Johns Hopkins CTY Program

Johns Hopkins CTY Program

The Montebello Unified School District strongly supports the participation by its students in the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth Talent Search and Summer Programs.


The students eligible to apply to the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth Talent Search are identified and invited to apply to the Talent Search. To assist the students and their families in navigating through the Talent Search application process, meetings are held throughout the District to provide assistance to families in properly completing the Talent Search applications and related documents. This takes place in September and October.


After the students submit their Talent Search applications, they are required to take an above-grade-level test to determine if they are eligible to attend the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth Summer Programs. To assist the students and their families in properly completing the test registration forms and registering to test, meetings are held throughout the District to provide assistance to families with this part of the process. Additionally, test taking skills seminars are held at all the schools to prepare students to take the appropriate above-grade-level test. Test registration takes place in October and November. Test preparation takes place in November. Testing takes place in October through January.


The students eligible to apply to the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth Talent Search are identified and invited to apply to the Talent Search. To assist the students and their families in navigating through the Talent Search application process, meetings are held throughout the District to provide assistance to families in properly completing the Talent Search applications and related documents. This takes place in September and October.



Need-based financial aid is available to qualifying students. At the meetings which are held to assist the families with the process of applying to the summer program, assistance with the financial aid applications is also provided.


Once a student has been accepted to the summer program, the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth sends them a Student Site Information Packet. This packet contains the supplemental forms that the student will need to complete and turn in in order to be able to attend the summer program. To assist the students and their families with this part of the process, meetings are held throughout the District. This takes place in March and April.



Since MUSD students first started participating in the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth programs in 2000, the number of MUSD students participating has grown from 100 to over 4,000. For this reason, attendance at the meetings is crucial.The best way to provide assistance to all of the families is by holding meetings to provide assistance with every step in the process of applying the Talent Search and qualifying for the summer programs. Notices will be sent out to the families informing them of the upcoming meetings and inviting them to attend.


Due to the sheer number of families, and the overwhelming amount of paperwork that needs to be review, accepting and returning phone calls is difficult at best. To better assist Mrs. Krespan in providing assistance to the families, please read all of the letters that she sends out and attend all the meetings to which you are invited. If you still have a question, then call. When you call , it is important that you be prepared with the following information in case you have to leave a message:

1. Your name;
2. Your child’s name;
3. School your child attends;
4. Grade your child is in;
5. The reason for your call ("I want to speak to you" is not a reason); and
6. Phone number where you can be reached (if you have caller ID block rejection it may be impossible for your call to be returned – if you do not have voicemail or an answering machine, it may be impossible for you to get the information you need via a return phone call if you are not home to answer your phone).