New or Modified Board Policies
- AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures - BOE Approved: 5/1/2024
- BP 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures - BOE Approved: 5/1/2024
- AR 4119.12, 4219.12 , 4319.12 - Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures
- AR 5145.11 - Questioning and Apprehension Bylaw Enforcement
- BP 5145.11 - Questioning and Apprehension Bylaw Enforcement
- BB 9320 Meetings and Notices 2.7.24
- AR 5145.7 Sexual Harassment 9-20-2023
- AR 5145.3 Nondiscrimination/Harassment 9-20-2023
- BP 5145.3 Nondiscrimination/Harassment 9-20-2023
- AR 5113 Absences and Excuses BOE 9-20-2023
- BP 5113 Absences and Excuses BOE 9-20-2023
- BP 5141.6 - School Health Services - BOE Approved: 3/15/2023
- AR 5141.6 - School Health Services - BOE Approved: 3/15/2023
- BP 5144 - Discipline - BOE Approved: 3/15/2023
- AR 5144 - Discipline - BOE Approved: 3/15/2023
- AR 5145.71 - Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures - BOE Approved: 3/15/2023
- BP 6146.1 - High School Graduation Requirements - BOE Approved: 3/15/2023
- AR 6158 - Independent Study - BOE Approved: 3/15/2023
- BP 6158 - Independent Study - BOE Approved: 3/15/2023
- AR 3515.3 - District Police/Security Department - BOE Approved: 2/1/2023
- BP 3515.3 - District Police/Security Department - BOE Approved: 2/1/2023
- BP 3515.31 - School Resource Officers - BOE Adopted and Approved: 2/1/2023
- AR 5145.11 - Questioning and Apprehension by Law Enforcement - BOE Approved: 2/1/2023
- BP 5145.11 - Questioning and Apprehension by Law Enforcement - BOE Approved: 2/1/2023
- BP 5145.12 - Search and Seizure - BOE Approved: 2/1/2023
- BB 9270 Exhibit - 8-17-2022
- E 9270 Exhibit "B" - Conflict of Interest - BOE Approved: 2/1/2023
- BP 3230 - Federal Grant Funds - BOE Adopted and Approved: 6/8/2022
- AR 3230 - Federal Grant Funds - BOE Adopted and Approved: 6/8/2022
- BP 4030 - Nondiscrimination in Employment - BOE Approved: 5/18/2022
- AR 4119.12, 4219.12, 4319.12 - Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures - BOE Adopted and Approved: 5/18/2022
- AR 6173 - Education for Homeless Children - BOE Approved: 6/15/2022
- BP 5145.7 - Sexual Harassment - BOE Approved: 5/18/2022
- AR 5145.7 - Sexual Harassment - BOE Approved: 5/18/2022
- BP 6173 - Education for Homeless Children - BOE Approved: 6/15/2022
- BB 9270 - Conflict of Interest - BOE Approved: 6/8/2022
- Expenditures and Purchases BP 3300
- Independent Studies - AR 6158
- Independent Studies - BP 6158
- Education for English Learners- AR 6174
- Conflict of Interest Code of the Montebello Unified School District Exhibit A and B-BB 9270
- Conflict of Interest - BB 9270
- Teacher Support and Guidance BP 4131.1
- Teacher Support and Guidance AR 4131.1
- Charter School Authorization 0420.4 (a)
- Charter School Authorization AR 0420.4 (b)
- Charter School Oversight 0420. 41 (c)
- Charter School Oversight E 0420. 41 (d)
- Charter School Renewal 0420.42
- Charter School Revocation 0420.43
- Charter School Facilities 7160
- Charter School Facilities AR 7160
- Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement – BP 5121
- Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement – AR 5121
- Debt Issuance and Management – BP 3470
- Education for English Learners - BP 6174
- Education for English Learners – AR 6174
- Lactation Accommodation - BP 4033
- Search and Seizure – BP 5145.12
- Search and Seizure – AR 5145.12
- Volunteer Assistance – BP 1240
- Volunteer Assistance – AR 1240
- Visitors/Outsiders – BP 1250
- Visitors/Outsiders – AR 1250
- High School Graduation Requirements
- Revised Board Bylaw 9270 Exhibit "B"
Tobacco-Free Workplace, Guidelines for Implementation E(1)3513.3
- District Police/Security Department BP 3515.3
- District Police/Security Department - AR 3515.3
- Conflict of Interest - BB 9270
- Conflict of Interest - BB 9270
- District-Sponsored Social Media - AR 1114
- Married/Pregnant/Parenting Students - BP 5146
- District-Sponsored Social Media - BP 1114
- Response to Immigration Enforcement - AR 5145.13
- Response to Immigration Enforcement - BP 5145.13
- Employment of Relatives - BP 4112.8, 4212.8, 4312.8
- Adult Education - BP 6200
- Suicide Prevention - BP 5141.52(a)
- Meeting Conduct - BB 9323(a)
- Beginning Teacher Support/Induction - 4131.1
- Temporary Athletic Team Coaches
- Sexual Harassment - BP 4119.11, 4219.11, 4319.11
- Nondiscrimination In Employment - BP 4030
Other Food and Beverage Sales: Nutrition Standards & Guidelines - AR 3554
- School Nutrition Environment Committee - AR 5030
- Student Wellness Plan - E 5030
- Uniform Complaint Procedures - AR 1312.3 (a)
- Head Lice - BP 5141.33
- Release of Directory Information - BP 5125.1
- District Residency - BP 5111.1
- Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions - BP 5141.21
- Uniform Complaint Procedures - BP 1312.3
- Parent Involvement - AR 6020
Non Discrimination in Employment - BP 4030
- Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals - BP 4222
- Uniform Complaint Procedures - BP 1312.3
- Staff Development - BP 4131
- Interdistrict Attendance - AR 5117
- Budget - BP 3100
- Fund Balance Purpose - BP 3100.5
- Dismissal/Suspension/Disciplinary Action - BP 4118
- Health Examinations- BP 4112.4, 4212.4, 4312.4
- Meetings and Notices - BB 9320
- Civility - BP 1311
- Disruptions - BP 3515.2
- Employee Security - BP 4158, 4258, 4358
- Interdistrict Attendance
- Concurrent Enrollment in College Classes - BP 6172.1
- Evaluation/Supervision - BP 4115
- Personnel Reduction - BP 4117.3
- Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers - BP 4112.42, 4212.42, 4312.42
- Nondiscrimination/Harassment - BP 5145.3
- Sexual Harassment - BP 5145.7
- Married/Pregnant /Parenting Students - BP 5146
- Bullying - BP 5131
- Uniform Complaint Procedures - BP 1312.3
- Conflict of Interest Code - BB 9270
- Leaves - AR 4161/4261/4361
- Budget - BP 3100
- Accountabillity - BP 0500
- Goals For The School District - BP 0200
- Local Control and Accountability Plan - BP 0460
- Tobacco Free Workplace - E(1) 3513.3
- Tobacco-Free Schools - AR 3513.3
- Tobacco AR 5131.62
- Tobacco-Free Schools - 3513.3
- Tobacco - 5131.62
- Staff Development - BP 4131
- Staff Development - BP 4231
- Staff Development - BP 4331
- Beginning Teacher Support/Induction - BP 4131.1
- Transfers - BP 4114
- Interns - BP 4112.21
- Teacher Qualifications Under No Child Left Behind Act - BP 4112.24
- Staff Development - BP 4131/4231/4331
- Teacher Qualifications Under No Child Left Behind Act
- Extracurricular and Cocurricular Activities - BP 6145
- Student Organizations and Equal Access - BP 6145.5
- Athletic Competition - BP 6145.2
- Sexual Harassment - BP 5145.7
- Nondiscrimination/Harassment - BP 5145.3
- Recruitment and Selection - BP 4111, 4211, 4311
- Nondiscrimination in District programs and Activities - BP 0410
- Nondiscrimination in Employment - AR 4030
- Athletic Competition - AR 6145.2
- Complaints Concerning Discrimination in Employment - AR 4031
- Sexual Harassment - AR 4119.11, 4219.11, 4319.11
- Sexual Harassment - AR 5145.7
- Student Organizations and Equal Access - AR 6145.5
- Extracurricular and Cocurricular Activities - AR 6145
- Parent Involvement - BP 6020
- Parent Involvement - BP 6020
- Nondiscrimination in Employment - BP 4030
- Bullying - AR 5131.2
- Bullying/Hazing Investigation Form - E 5131.2
- Bullying - BP 5131.2
- Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) - BP 1312.3
- Civility - BP 1311
- Civility - AR 1311 | Exhibit A
- Student Use of Technology Resources - BP 6163.4
- Student Use of Technology Resources - AR 6163.4
- Transitional Kindergarten - BP 6170
- Transitional Kindergarten - AR 6170
- Tobacco-Free Schools - BP 3513.3
- Tobacco-Free Schools - AR 3513.3
- Corporate Sponsors - BP3291
- Uniform Complaint Procedures - AR 1312.3(a)
- Public Activities Involving Staff, Students or School Facilities Public Complaints Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures - AR 1312.4(a)
- Uniform Complaint Procedures - BP 1312.3(a)
- Meeting Conduct - 9323(a)