Series 3000 - Business and Non-Instructional Operations
Concepts and Roles 3000
Budget 3100
Business and Noninstructional Operations 3100.5
Budget AR 3100
Transfer of Fund AR 3110
Lottery Funds 3220.1
Federal Grant Funds
Federal Grant Funds AR 3230
Fees and Charges 3260
Fees and Charges AR 3260
Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies 3270
Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies AR 3270
Sale, Lease, Rental of District-Owned Real Property 3280
Gifts, Grants and Bequests 3290
Acceptance of Gifts, Grants and Bequests AR 3290
Corporate Sponsors 3291
Expenditures and Purchases 3300
Bids 3311
Bids AR 3311
Contracts 3312
Contracts AR 3312
State Allocation Board Contracts AR 3312.11
Payment for Goods and Service 3314
Payment for Goods and Services AR 3314
Revolving Funds 3314.2
Revolving Funds AR 3314.2
Relations with Vendors 3315
Federal Procurement Policy – Small and Minority Firms, Women’s 3315.1
Business Enterprises and Labor Surplus Area Firms - Claims and Actions Against the District 3320
Claims and Actions Against the District AR 3320
Notice of Failure To File In A Timely Manner E 3320
Travel Expenses 3350
Management of District Assets/Accounts 3400
Management of District Assets/Accounts AR 3400
Audit Committee AR 340
Investing 3430
Inventories 3440
Inventories AR 3440
Monies in School Buildings 3450
Student Activity Funds 3452
Student Activity Funds AR 3452
Financial Reports and Accountability 3460
Financial Reports and Accountability AR 3460
Debt Issuance and Management BP 3470
Operations and Maintenance of Plant 3510
Energy and Water Conservation 3511
Equipment 3512
Equipment AR 3512
Equipment Loan Form E 3512
Care of School Property 3512.1
Buildings and Grounds 3513
Buildings and Grounds AR 3513
Communication Services 3513.1
Mobile Communications Devices AR 3513.1
Mobile Communications Device (MCD) Authorization Form E 3513.1
General Provisions for Maintenance and Repair Work Buildings, Grounds and Equipment 3513.2
General Provisions for Maintenance and Repair Work Buildings, Grounds and Equipment AR 3513.2
Tobacco-Free Schools AR 3513.3
Tobacco-Free Schools BP 3513.3
Painting of School Property 3513.4
Use of School Field for Emergency Medical Helicopters 3513.5
Use of School Field for Emergency Medical Helicopters AR 3513.5
Environmental Safety 3514
Environmental Safety AR 3514
Hazardous Substances 3514.1
Hazardous Substances AR 3514.1
Campus Security 3515
Campus Security AR 3515
Crime Data Reporting AR 3515.1
Disruptions 3515.2
Disruptions AR 3515.2
District Police - Security Department AR 3515.3
District Police - Security Department BP 3515.3
School Resource Officers
Recovery for Property Loss or Damage 3515.4
Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan 3516
Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan AR 3516
Smog Alert 3516.4
Risk Management / Insurance 3530
Risk Management / Insurance AR 3530
Transportation 3540
Transportation AR 3540
Transportation Routes and Services AR 3541
School-Related Trips 3541.1
School-Related Trips AR 3541.1
Guidelines for Student Transportation and for Use of Private Vehicles E(1) 3541.1
Use of Private Vehicles - Driving Record Standard for Employees or Volunteers E(2) 3541.1
Who Transport Students -Request and Authorization for Use of Volunteer Driver and Private E(3) 3541.1
Vehicle for Student Transportation - Transportation for Students With Disabilities 3541.2
Transportation for Students With Disabilities AR 3541.2
School Bus Drivers AR 3542
Transportation Safety and Emergencies 3543
Transportation Safety and Emergencies AR 3543
Nutrition Services/Child Nutrition Program 3550
Nutrition Services/Child Nutrition Program AR 3550
Nutrition Services Operations/Cafeteria Account 3551
Nutrition Services Operations/Cafeteria Account AR 3551
Free and Reduced Price Meals 3553
Free and Reduced Price Meals AR 3553
Other Food Sales 3554
District Records 3580
District Records AR 3580
Consultants 3600
Awards to Employees 3700